2dFGRS 100k Data Release
Photometric Catalogues

These ASCII catalogues are provided for the convenience of users of the 2dFGRS 100k Data Release. However it is important to note that the mSQL database is the definitive data source, and contains all the information in the ASCII catalogues and much additional data.

1. Input photometric catalogues (source catalogues)

The photometric catalogues (ngp.cat, sgp.cat and ran.cat for the NGP, SGP and RANdom fields) have been derived from APM sky survey data and are complete to an extinction-corrected magnitude limit (BJSEL) of approximately 19.6. All sources in the photometric catalogues have a unique serial number (serial=SEQNUM), running sequentially from 1 to 467214, which is the primary database key. Each line of these catalogues contains the following parameters:

SEQNUM   I6    Assigned sequence number to this object. Determines FITS
               filename (SEQNUM.fits).

ra       A11   R.A. B1950 in HH MM SS.SS

dec      A11   Dec. B1950 in DD MM SS.S

BJSEL    F5.2  Final bj magnitude with extinction correction
               (i.e. with corrections for isophote, field-effects and
               plate-matching, then calibrated to total mags with
               saturation correction, and then extinction corrected)

PROB     F6.1  psi classification parameter 
	        for eyeballed galaxies    
                   psi*1000 =  (10000 + abs(jon) + psi*100) 
        	for eyeballed non-galaxies 
                   psi*1000 = -(10000 + abs(jon) + psi*100)

PARK     F5.3  k classification parameter = k / k_star

PARMU    F5.3  mu classification parameter = mu / mu_star

IGAL     I2    Final classification 
                -4 = noise
                -3 = star + star 
                -2 = star + fuzz 
                -1 = star
                 0 = galaxy + star merger
                 1 = galaxy
                 2 = galaxy + galaxy merger

JON      I2    Eyeball classification, value >0 for galaxies brighter
               than ~18th mag only:
                0 = noise
                1 = S0
                2 = elliptical
                3 = irregular
                4 = spiral 
                5 = undetermined galaxy
                6 = star
                7 = star + star merger 
                8 = galaxy + star merger
                9 = galaxy + galaxy merger

ORIENT   F5.1  Orientation measured in degrees clockwise from E to W:
                orient = 180/pi * atan(2*sxy/((sxx + syy)*(1 + e)-syy))

ECCENT   F5.3  Eccentricity (e)
               e*200 = 200*(((sxx-syy)**2 + 4sxy**2)**0.5)/(sxx + syy) 

AREA     F6.0  Isophotal area in pixels 

X_BJ     F8.1  Plate x_bj in 8 micron pixels 

Y_BJ     F8.1  Plate y_bj in 8 micron pixels 

DX       F5.0  Distortion corrected difference (x_bj - x_R)*100 

DY       F5.0  Distortion corrected difference (y_bj - y_R)*100

BJG      F5.2  Final bj magnitude without extinction correction 

RMAG     F5.2  Unmatched APM `total' mag 

PMAG     F5.2  Unmatched raw APM profile integrated mag 

FMAG     F5.2  Unmatched raw APM 2" profile integrated mag

SMAG     F5.2  Unmatched raw stellar mag (from APMCAL)

REDMAG   F5.2  reserved for future use

IFIELD   I3    UKST field

IGFIELD  I6    Galaxy number in UKST field

NAME     A10   2dFGRS assigned name; if
                1) BJSELOLD is fainter than 19.45,
                2) or the object could not be allocated to a fibre
                   by the configuration algorithm,
               then NAME is blank.

BJG_OLD  F5.2  Original bj magnitude without extinction correction
               (prior to re-calibration to BJG)

BJSELOLD F5.2  Original bj magnitude with extinction correction
               (prior to re-calibration to BJSEL); used to select 
               survey sample

2. Eyeball rejection lists

The objects rejected from the source catalogues on the basis of visual inspection are listed in ngp.eyerejects.all and sgp.eyerejects.all. These files list the NAMEs of the objects (one per line) rejected from survey observations.

3. Tile centres

The centres of all the 2dFGRS tiles are listed in centres.ngp, centres.sgp and centres.ran. These files list R.A. and Dec. (B1950, in decimal degrees), tile number, tile name, R.A. and Dec. (B1950, in HH MM SS.SS -DD MM SS.S).

Matthew Colless, colless@mso.anu.edu.au,