2dFGRS 100k Data Release
Spectroscopic Catalogues

These ASCII catalogues are provided for the convenience of users of the 2dFGRS 100k Data Release. However it is important to note that the mSQL database is the definitive data source, and contains all the information in the ASCII catalogues and much additional data.

1. best.observations.idz

This file contains data for the best spectra for each of the 102426 sources in the 100k data release. Where there is more than one 2dFGRS spectrum for a source, the `best z' is the redshift with the highest quality code and most recent date of observation. Each line of best.observations.idz contains the following parameters:

serial        I6    Database serial number (=SEQNUM)
spectra       I1    Number of spectra obtained up to 31 Jan 2000
name          A10   2dFGRS name (=NAME)
UKST          A3    UKST plate (=IFIELD)
ra            A11   R.A. B1950 
dec           A11   Dec. B1950
ra2000        A11   R.A. J2000
dec2000       A11   Dec. J2000
BJG           F5.2  Final bj magnitude without extinction correction 
BJSEL         F5.2  Final bj magnitude with extinction correction
BJG_OLD       F5.2  Original bj magnitude without extinction correction
BJSELOLD      F5.2  Original bj magnitude with extinction correction
z             F9.6  Best z (observed)
z_helio       F9.6  Best z (heliocentric)
obsrun        A5    Observation run from which best z is obtained
quality       I1    Redshift quality parameter
abemma        I1    Redshift type (abs=1,emi=2,man=3)
Z_ABS         F9.6  Cross-correlation z from best z observation
KBESTR        I1    Cross-correlation template from best z observation
R_CRCOR       F5.3  Cross-correlation R value from best z observation
Z_EMI         F9.6  Emission z from best z observation
NMBEST        I2    Number of emission lines for Z_EMI from best z observation
SNR           F6.2  Median S/N per pixel from best z observation
ETA_TYPE      F10.6 Eta spectral type parameter from best z observation
                    (-99.9 if not determined)

2. all.observations.idz

This file contains data for all observations of the 102426 sources in the 100k data release. As there are 7027 duplicate observations, it comprises 109453 entries for the 102426 sources. Each source has at least two lines in the file, with formats as follows:

Line 1 for each source lists:
serial        I6    Database serial number (=SEQNUM)
spectra       I1    Number of spectra obtained to 31 Jan 2000
name          A10   2dFGRS name (=NAME)
UKST          A3    UKST plate (=IFIELD)
ra            A11   R.A. B1950 
dec           A11   Dec. B1950
ra2000        A11   R.A. J2000
dec2000       A11   Dec. J2000
BJG           F5.2  Final bj magnitude without extinction correction 
BJSEL         F5.2  Final bj magnitude with extinction correction
BJG_OLD       F5.2  Original bj magnitude without extinction correction
BJSELOLD      F5.2  Original bj magnitude with extinction correction
best_spec     I1    FITS extension number of the best spectrum for this
                    source (this parameter is not held in the FITS file
                    or the mSQL database)
z             F9.6  Best z (observed)
z_helio       F9.6  Best z (heliocentric)
quality       I1    Redshift quality parameter
obsrun        A5    Observation run from which best z is obtained

Lines 2..spectra+1 list details of each of the `spectra' observations:
serial        I6    Database serial number (=SEQNUM)
name          A10   2dFGRS name (=NAME)
UTDATE        A10   UT date of observation
OBSRUN        A5    Observation run  
Z             F9.6  z (observed)
Z_HELIO       F9.6  z (heliocentric)
QUALITY       I1    Redshift quality parameter
ABEMMA        I1    Redshift type (abs=1,emi=2,man=3)
Z_ABS         F9.6  Cross-correlation z
KBESTR        I1    Cross-correlation template
R_CRCOR       F5.3  Cross-correlation R value
Z_EMI         F9.6  Emission z
NMBEST        I2    Number of emission lines for Z_EMI
SNR           F6.2  Median S/N per pixel
ETA_TYPE      F10.6 Eta spectral type parameter (-99.9 if not determined)

3. parent.reg.txt

These files (reg=ngp/sgp/ran/2dF) contain details of all observations of sources in each of the NGP, SGP and RAN regions, and the whole survey, up to the 100k data release cut-off date of 31 Jan 2000.

parent.ngp.txt: contains 168406 entries for all 166124 2dFGRS NGP sources, although only 42326 entries (40044 sources + 2282 repeats) have spectral information.

parent.sgp.txt: contains 248513 entries for all 244071 2dFGRS SGP sources, although only 53422 entries (48980 sources + 4442 repeats) have spectral information.

parent.ran.txt: contains 57322 entries for all 57019 2dFGRS random field sources, although only 13705 entries (13402 sources + 303 repeats) have spectral information.

parent.2dF.txt: contains 474241 entries for all 467214 2dFGRS sources in all survey regions, although only 109453 entries (102426 sources + 7027 repeats) have spectral information.

serial        I6     Database serial number (=SEQNUM)
alpha         F16.13 R.A. B1950 in radians (=RA)
delta         F16.13 Dec. B1950 in radians (=DEC)
BJSEL         F5.2   Final bj magnitude with extinction correction
Z_HELIO       F7.5   z (heliocentric); -9.99 if no spectrum 
Z             F7.5   z (observed); -9.99 if no spectrum
bjlim         F6.3   2dFGRS bj magnitude limit of this area; -1.000 for
                     sources not included in survey sample  
QUALITY       I1     Redshift quality parameter
BJG           F5.2   Final bj magnitude without extinction correction 
BJSELOLD      F5.2   Original bj magnitude with extinction correction
BJG_OLD       F5.2   Original bj magnitude without extinction correction
UKST          A3     UKST plate (=IFIELD)
obsfld        I3     Observed field number (=OBSFLD(4:6)); -99 if no observation
GRSDATE       A6     Observation date; -99 if no observation
ETA_TYPE      F8.3   Eta spectral type parameter; -99.9 if not determined
PLATE         I3     2dF plate number (0 or 1); -99 if no observation 
ECCENT        F5.3   Eccentricity
ORIENT        F5.1   Orientation 
JON           I2     Eyeball classification
AREA          F6.0   Isophotal area in pixels

Matthew Colless, colless@mso.anu.edu.au,