2dFGRS 100k Data Release
Survey Mask Software
  1. The survey masks

    The survey masks distributed with the 2dFGRS 100k Data Release are described here and in Colless et al. (2001).

  2. Copyright and use of the mask codes

    As a user of the mask codes, we request that you observe the following guidelines:

    • The code provided here has been written by several members of the 2dFGRS team. Peder Norberg and Shaun Cole (University of Durham, UK) wrote the software used to create the survey masks. If you use any part of this 2dFGRS software, please acknowledge "the 2dFGRS mask software by Peder Norberg and Shaun Cole".
    • This code is supplied as-is (i.e. we do not support any modifications to the file mask_compl.f containing the subroutines) and without guarantees - use it with caution and report any bugs.
    • Read all of this documentation before trying to use the code!
  3. Copying and compiling the mask codes

    • Copy the following files:
    • Choose the right compiler for your machine by selecting the right line in makefile. This code has been tested on Sun Solaris, DEC Alpha and PC Linux.
  4. Input and ouput of release.f

    • Given RA and Dec in radians (B1950), it returns the completeness, the magnitude limit and the UK Schmidt Telescope (UKST) sky survey plate number of that particular area.
    • When compl = -1, the given position is outside the main 2dF boundary; when compl = -2, the given position is inside an excluded region (a `hole').
  5. Magnitude limit masks

    The NGP and SGP magnitude limit masks are shown below.

  6. Redshift completeness masks

    The NGP and SGP redshift completeness masks are shown below.

  7. Limitations of the software

    • Each pixel in the mask maps is 2.8 arcmin on a side. This is much larger than the precision of the 2dFGRS galaxy positions. Hence the masks can indicate that some 2dFGRS galaxies are outside the survey boundary or inside excluded holes due to pixelisation effects, as the masks have been defined in a conservative way.
      • 1252 (NGP=189; SGP=1063; RAN=0) objects of the initial input catalogue are outside the survey boundary according to the survey masks; this is due to pixelisation effects on the survey boundary.
      • 955 (NGP=402; SGP=542; RAN=7) galaxies of the initial input catalogue are inside holes according to the survey masks; in the strips this is due to pixelisation effects on the holes; in the random fields this is due to rounding errors.
      • All 2207 (1252+955) objects not in the survey region have their magnitude limit set to -2 in the magnitude limit masks.
    • Please report any serious problem encountered with this software to the 2dFGRS team.

Matthew Colless, colless@mso.anu.edu.au,