Plotting 2D Histograms

To open an empty canvas for plotting a 2D histogram, click on View --> 2D Plots --> Histogram Plot or click on the 2D histogram button , on the main launcher.

To draw the 2D histogram of a column,
  1. Select the column from the X-axis dropdown menu.
  2. Click the Plot button.

A sample histogram is shown in Figure 10.

Figure 10

VOPlot now also supports a new type of histogram i.e the cumulative histogram. A sample cumulative histogram is shown below

The attributes of the histogram such as bin-width etc can be changed by going to View --> Plot Properties or clicking on the button as usual.

The bin-width can also be manipulated using the buttons on the right hand side of the frame.

If you want to plot the histogram of data points on a log scale, then check the Log checkbox corresponding to the X-axis