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AstroStat allows astronomers to use both simple and sophisticated statistical routines on large datasets. This tool uses a large public-domain statistical computing package called R. Datasets can be uploaded in either ASCII or VOTABLE (preferred) format. The statistical computations are performed by AstroStat and results are returned to the user. Only a small portion of R functionality is available through AstroStat. To perform advanced data analysis, users are encouraged to install R locally.

AstroStat Web Based Version

AstroStat online version, developed in JSP, is available here: AstroStat 1.0 web version

A tutorial illustrating the analysis of Fundamental Plane of elliptical galaxies, using AstroStat, can be found here.

AstroStat Stand-alone Version

AstroStat stand-alone version is a Java based tool which requires R to be installed on the local machine. This version is not yet ready, but will be released soon.

The old releases of this tool, called 'VOStat' are listed here

Please send comments, suggestions, and questions to voindia@iucaa.in